Restaurant Hope Town
Cap’n Jack (born Jack Russell) is an eighth generation Hope Town’ian. Growing up in Hope Town, Jack lived in and on the water. While spending most of his youth fishing, as a young man Jack became a fisherman for a local restaurant. Jack and Lana met in 1976, married in 1982 and two children, Misty and Clint, followed. After many life adventures with two young children, Jack and Lana filled a lifetime dream and bought a small take-out shop in downtown Hope Town turning it into Cap’n Jack’s.
From humble beginnings, a 15 by 10 foot structure and some picnic benches, Cap’n Jack’s has been through numerous renovations to make it what it is today. A pillar in the community for 28 years Cap’n Jack’s has grown with Hope Town but still has the same charm as when it first opened the doors. More than just a bar, more than just a restaurant, Cap’n Jack’s is a special place for good times, good memories and good friends. Truly a family owned and operated business Cap’n Jack’s welcomes you to join us and be a part of our next chapter.
From our Family to yours,
Cap’n Jack, Lana, Misty and Clint